Do distant relationships really work?

Distant relationship implies two issues:

  1. Dating a woman online who live far away from you (Ex: another country)
  2. Living far away from your girlfriend.

Scenario n°1 – Dating a woman who lives far away from you:

Ten years ago, the social networks and messenger chats were just starting to gain popularity. We dove into worldwide chats without fully understanding the consequences. I have an interesting story about that time. I met a woman online who lived far away through ICQ. She sent me a picture, and she was cute. We had some interesting chats online, and I idealized her. At the time, I lived in Montpellier, a city in the south of France. Then, she moved to Paris to study. I decided to drive to Paris to see her, which was a 7-hour journey. When I met her, I realized I didn’t really know her. She was obviously cute, but it became clear that we were neither friends nor potential partners. The online conversations were too limited, and I hadn’t thought about what actions to take to deepen our connection. So, we spent the day wandering around Paris and ended up in a pub in the afternoon, chatting. Eventually, I left, and it was an awkward situation. Looking back, it made sense. If you live far from someone and can’t spend extended time together, there’s not much you can do. Plus, it can be risky. In my case, I drove 16 hours in one day and nearly passed out on the way back. It was exhausting. After that, I ended the online relationship, as many online relationships tend to fizzle out. That’s why I advise men not to drive more than an hour for a woman unless there’s another REAL reason to do so.

Scenario n°2 – girlfriend lives far away from you:

From what I have seen, it never works or very rarely works. I remember a story which is for me the archetype of distant relationship. I met an Australian woman in London as she was on a two-year work permit. Her boyfriend was at that time in Australia and did not plan to join her. She was around 25 years old. How could they envisage a relationship when your significant other lives on the opposite side of earth? It is an unsolvable problem.

Distant relationships aren’t real relationships.

A distant relationship is a virtual relationship. A virtual relationship misses the sense of feeling someone close by. I have some experience in it and I would like to tell you something. It just does not work. A distant relationship is not a real relationship. You can’t go out with your significant other. You can’t touch your significant other. You can’t be intimate with your significant other.