Tips for Choosing the Best Destination to Meet Women Abroad

Time zone

First of all, take the geography into consideration. If you live in the USA, you live in a time zone that is closed to those in central and Latin America. On the other hand, the time difference between Los Angeles and Malaga in Spain is 9 hours. You will be tired if you fly from Los Angeles to Malaga, Spain. On the other hand, the time difference between Los Angeles and Caracas Venezuela is only 4 hours.

Flight duration

While the internet may make it seem like traveling anywhere in the world is easy, there are practical limitations to consider. One major issue is the time and energy lost during long flights. It’s often better to choose destinations that are closer to your starting point to minimize travel time and maximize your time at the destination.

A German example:

I’ve met a lot of German men who were attracted to South American women and decided to fly to Argentina or Brazil. However, the flight from Berlin to Rio de Janeiro is 14 hours, and Berlin to Buenos Aires is 16 hours. In contrast, Berlin to Bucharest is only a 2-hour direct flight, and all Eastern European destinations are no more than 3 hours away. The European media tends to focus more on the beauty of South American women than Eastern European women. Many men are unaware that there are Romanian women who resemble curvy Latinas, and there are more brunette women in Romania than in Argentina. When I hear about European men flying to Brazil or Argentina, it means they’ve lost 2 days of travel time and will likely suffer from jet lag. Therefore, I encourage men to be rational and do the math. For German men, Eastern Europe is a more practical and cost-effective destination. A return flight to Bucharest costs only 244 euros, while a return flight to Rio de Janeiro costs 702 euros.

Local cost of life

While it’s true that Norway and Denmark are known for having attractive women, they are also among the most expensive countries in Europe. If the high prices are a concern, it may not be worth spending a lot of money without any guaranteed results in terms of dating. When you arrive in Oslo or Copenhagen, you’re starting from scratch and will need to spend money on accommodation, food, and dating expenses. This is why it can be advantageous to consider cheaper countries, as you’ll be able to afford more activities and dates.

My example: Copenhagen:

I had positive experiences with Danish girls, but I was taken aback by the high cost of living in Copenhagen (check to compare prices with other cities like Saint Petersburg, Russia). Even small restaurants were expensive, and I realized that dating local women would be very costly. I asked myself, “why focus on Denmark?” When there are many other options in Europe within a 3-hour flight from Copenhagen. Another issue I have with other pickup artists discussing global dating is that they never talk about local prices. For example, I spent the same amount of money in one week in Copenhagen as I did in one month in Tallinn, Estonia.

English proficiency

The level of English proficiency varies greatly between countries. Ukraine, for example, has a very low number of English speakers, which means that if you travel there without learning Russian or Ukrainian, you will miss out on many opportunities to connect with interesting women who may not be able to communicate with you in English. On the other hand, if you travel to Poland, you won’t need to learn Polish because all Polish women speak English.