About ThePracticalMen

I am Sebastian Delorme, I am the founder of ThePractical.men.

On the internet, several men’s movements co-exist: Red Pill, Mgtow, incels.

Instead of focusing solely on abstract concepts, I decided to adopt a practical approach to understanding and navigating key stages of life such as dating, relationships, marriage, divorce, fatherhood, and retirement from a male perspective. By leveraging observations, statistical data, and medical research, I realized that it is possible to offer meaningful advice to men about their heterosexual experiences and challenges throughout these stages of life.

I founded ThePracticalMen to distance myself from several harmful trends in the manosphere that I believe do a disservice to men. These include chauvinism, which promotes self-congratulation without fostering a genuine plan for long-term relationships; pick-up artists, who encourage men to chase after women without meaningful connections; neo-traditionalists, who place undue pressure on men by expecting them to shoulder all responsibilities; and MGTOW, which often harbors underlying incel tendencies. This site is not anti-women; rather, its purpose is to provide balanced relationship advice and insights for men, aiming to support them in navigating their lives more effectively.

The goal:

Thanks to thePractical.men, I aim to guide men in making the right choices concerning dating, relationships, sexuality, marriage, fatherhood, divorce, and retirement. I provide advice on navigating their relationships with women.

My goal is to help men avoid pitfalls and poor decisions that could negatively impact their lives, both in the short and long term. I want men to live their best possible lives, free from unnecessary concerns.

My story:

At 46 years old, having traveled to around 30 countries, I’ve encountered countless men struggling with their relationships. I’ve seen men trapped in dysfunctional relationships or grappling with loneliness, men frustrated by the challenges of modern dating, and others left despairing over their situations. I’ve observed men pouring their energy, time, and money into relationships without receiving an equivalent return. The devastating impact of divorce and separation on men, particularly those dealing with shared custody, has been especially troubling. Witnessing these struggles, I felt compelled to advocate for these men and create a platform to share my knowledge, helping them avoid similar pitfalls and navigate their lives more effectively.

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