How to compliment women?

  1. Observe: Sometimes, women want to highlight a specific aspect of their body. It could be their legs, their breasts, or their bottom… When a woman wears a top with a plunging neckline or a short dress, it’s likely she wants to draw attention to her legs and cleavage. Keep an eye out for anything that makes her stand out, like a unique hat, a T-shirt with a catchy slogan, or simply her captivating eyes.
  2. Prepare: Talking to a woman without knowing what to say can be pretty pointless. Take a moment to prepare your thoughts before engaging in conversation. Have your sentences lined up in your head. And remember, a good compliment shouldn’t be longer than four sentences.
  3. Isolate: Women can be heavily influenced by others’ opinions about their appearance. That’s why it’s best to offer compliments when a woman is alone. Otherwise, external influences might affect her behavior, even if no one says a word.
  4. Talk: Make sure you’re facing her when you speak. The last thing you want is to be trailing behind her, shouting over her shoulder. Maintain eye contact and speak slowly and confidently. You want to ensure she fully understands you.

And now, some examples:

  • Context: She wears nylons and a nice dress with boots.
  • Compliment: Your legs are beautiful and it is rare to see such beautiful legs here.
  • Context: A beautiful woman has beautiful blue eyes.
  • Compliment: You have beautiful eyes, your boyfriend is a lucky man.

As you can see, I start from something I see and make the compliment from the context. Then, the last example is interesting because she may answer and tell you whether she is single or not.