I came across a story on mgtow.com about a married man who had 3 children from the same woman.
In this article, he mentioned that his fourth child was on the way and he didn’t want the new child.

This man shares responsibility for his children and can’t solely blame his wife.
However, comparing my own situation to his, I acted responsibly by always using protection during sex to avoid unintended pregnancies. Unfortunately, it seems that many men aren’t cautious during sex. After having one unplanned child, you would expect a man to learn from his mistake, but in this case, the man has four children and may have to pay child support for all of them if he gets divorced. It’s hard to believe that such extreme cases still exist today.
Clearly, this man made a major mistake, but he should acknowledge and explain his actions instead of advising others not to marry. He also mentioned that his wife was a heavy spender and that they had a joint bank account. If you open a joint bank account and leave your partner with access to it, you can’t be surprised if they spend your money. He also bought her a van, even though he had been laid off and she didn’t have a job.
The man’s advice to not marry is like asking a former business owner of bankrupt companies to give a seminar on entrepreneurship. Many men seem to disconnect their rationality when it comes to relationships with women, and even after a divorce, some still hold onto their outdated beliefs.
This highlights a lack of meritocracy and positive examples to follow in the red pill community.