The Advantages / Drawbacks of global dating

First, I must define what is meant by ‘global dating’. It refers to the practice of men (also called passport bros) living in North America, Western Europe, Australia, or high-income areas of Asia traveling to countries such as South America, Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia to date and form relationships with local women. There aren’t any room for romanticism when dating a woman abroad.


  • On average, women are more accessible
  • Most women are respectful to men.
  • These women do not exert financial pressure on you.
  • It is cheap to stay in one of these countries.
  • Cultures are less toxic for a relationship meaning that women don’t see men as competitors or enemies.


  • Women usually earn less income than in western countries.
  • Language barrier is a problem.
  • Social pressure encourages people to get married in many countries of the world

If you want to bring her back to your country, more drawbacks arise:

  • Language barrier. She must become proficient in your language, otherwise she will become a burden.
  • Skills. She must have useful skills for the job market of your country.
  • Hard worker. She must be ready to work hard to learn your language and work in your country.
  • Psychological balance. She must be strong because she will live far away from her parents and family members.