After taking the red pill, you may find that the lyrics of many love songs take on a new meaning. For some, these songs are now unbearable to listen to, as they seem to be part of a larger propaganda aimed at subjugating men and turning them into subservient beings.
1.Stevie wonder – you are the sunshine of my life
Stevie wonder is a master of cheesy romanticism. Extract:
I feel like this is the beginning
Though I’ve loved you for a million years
And if I thought our love was ending
I’d find myself drowning in my own tears
Is it too excessive when talking about a man’s love for his girlfriend? LOL
2.The Beatles – I feel fine
The propagandists were among the most skilled in promoting the idea of male-female relationships by using music to condition men into placing women on a pedestal.
3.Barry White – I’ve Got So Much to Give
Barry White conditions men to simp for women. In the relationships described in his song, a man should give everything for a woman and expect nothing in return.
4.Phil Collins – You’ll be my heart
Looking back, it’s clear that Phil Collins was among the musicians who wrote songs that promoted the idea of men dedicating their entire existence, energy, and time to a woman. These songs now seem extreme and unbalanced in the context of gender equality.