What is the difference between Ukrainian & Russian women for dating and relationship

As a Frenchman, I’ve had the opportunity to meet Ukrainian and Russian women. Initially, I believed that women from both countries shared similar mindsets. However, I soon realized my mistake. Allow me to share the distinctions I’ve observed among women of different nationalities.

Russian women:

  • Straight-forward: Russian woman may sound rude sometimes compared from women of other countries. They exactly tell you what they want right from the beginning. This helps to build a relationship on strong foundations for a long-term relationship. 
  • No hysteria and euphoria: I noticed that many Russian women were emotionally stable. This means that if you decide to start a relationship with a Russian woman, it is not going to negatively change over the years.
  • Hard workers: Most of the Russian women want to get a job and earn their money.
  • Good mothers: Many Russian women like to spend time with their children.
  • Independent: Russian women are independent. They have their personal hobbies. They don’t pick the hobbies of their significant other just to please him.

Ukrainian women:

  • They can be players: Some women may play a comedy and tell you how much they like you to seduce you. They may tell you what you want to hear. This behavior can last for years.
  • Negotiation is possible: The Ukrainian women may look bossy and confident at first sight, but it is possible to discuss and make them accept that they are wrong about something. However, Ukrainian women are in general more opinionated than Russian women.
  • They may be obsessed with marriage: Some Ukrainian women claim not to be interested by marriage. Nevertheless, Their strategy is obvious when they ask your age, your longest relationship, your marital status, your job position in a row. They want to get married.
  • The man must always pay: I’ve noticed that many Russian and Ukrainian women value a traditional couple dynamic where the man is the breadwinner. At first, this seemed intimidating to me. However, I’ve observed something interesting: all the mixed couples I know in Western Europe (consisting of a Ukrainian woman and a European man) are less indebted than homogeneous couples (such as a French man and a French woman). It appears that both Russian and Ukrainian women tend to have lower financial expectations than their American or Western European counterparts.
  • Good mothers: Ukrainian mothers are just as capable as Russian mothers, especially when it comes to caring for infants. They consistently prioritize their children’s well-being and never hesitate to fulfill their caregiving duties.

Now that you know those differences, keep those differences in mind when you date a Russian or Ukrainian woman. As you can see, Russian women are better for dating and for a long-term relationship.