A female manipulator says she’ll not be a financial burden

Lately, I’ve noticed a new type of female manipulator emerging, and I wanted to share my observations with you. In the past, I’ve mentioned how unemployed housewives can become a financial burden for their husbands. I’ve seen examples where couples ended up struggling in their later years because they only had one retirement pension to rely on. When a woman hasn’t worked for 30 years, it’s easy to see how this can become an issue.

Nowadays, fewer men are willing to marry an unemployed woman due to the high financial risk it poses. This is especially true if the man were to develop a chronic illness down the line.

Interestingly, I’ve spotted a new kind of manipulator. These women make their partners believe they have a profitable project or a plan, such as studying something at home, starting an e-commerce website selling handmade jewelry, or creating YouTube videos about their lives. The mainstream media often perpetuates the idea that these niches are profitable, but in reality, they rarely generate any significant income. In 99.99% of cases, these women may never earn more than $50 a month. The manipulator works hard to convince her boyfriend or husband that her project is legitimate, even though it never takes off. She may also create imaginary barriers to explain why she’s not succeeding.

Obviously, these projects don’t go anywhere, and these women should start looking for a real job as soon as possible. However, they don’t do anything because they rely solely on their partner’s financial support.

What’s interesting is that these women also play this game with their relatives. I’ve noticed a double standard when it comes to challenging women who have failed at starting a business. While I’ve faced women who have questioned my business multiple times, I’ve rarely seen anyone challenge a woman who is clearly not successful in her ventures. For example, no one asks a female YouTuber how much if she can earn a full-time salary from her YouTube income.

When a woman is an entrepreneur, people often view it as an optional aspect of her life. If she doesn’t make money, it’s not seen as a big deal because it’s assumed that her partner will provide for her. However, this isn’t a healthy or sustainable dynamic. Women should also contribute financially to their relationships, and men shouldn’t be expected to be the sole providers.

Anyway, I’ve found that these women who pretend to be entrepreneurs do so to make their partners believe they won’t be a financial burden. At the beginning of the relationship, the man thinks, “Okay, she’s going to earn money in the future. There’s no problem with that.” However, he should realistically evaluate her project instead of getting trapped by her false promises. Once the relationship becomes serious, she gets pregnant, and the man can’t imagine leaving her. She’s won, and the birth of a child seals the deal.

This is the plan of the “I’m not a burden” manipulator.

So, here’s how this scenario typically plays out: first, she claims to have a plan, like starting a YouTube channel or some other venture. But after a year, it’s clear that she’s not making any real money from it. Then, conveniently, she gets pregnant just when she can’t really explain why her project failed. Most guys don’t want to abandon a mother and her child, so they stick around. Fast forward a few years, and they end up getting divorced. This whole cycle usually lasts around 8 to 10 years.