Beware of neomasculinists and pickup artist advice

In the past decade, I have observed a rising number of neo-machos and pickup artists such as Gavin McInnes, Roosh V, Jack Donovan, Styxhexenhammer666, and individuals associated with

Being pushy can lead to trouble: These individuals encourage aggressive behavior towards women. However, this approach can backfire, and you may find yourself falsely accused of rape or sexual abuse. In fact, one pickup artist was sentenced to eight years in prison. To combat such false allegations, I wrote an article about using spycams.

Neo-machos make you feel guilty: They make you believe that if you’re not successful with women, it’s your fault. This is a ridiculous assumption. Dating can be expensive, and if you don’t have money, it can be challenging to attract women. Additionally, some women in Western countries expect men to do all the work in dating, such as planning the evening, driving, and initiating sex. This behavior is unreasonable, and it’s not your fault if a date doesn’t go well. Neo-machos may tell you that you lack confidence to sell their coaching lessons, but this is a false assumption. They imply that every woman is willing to have sex, which is not true. According to neo-machos, men should do everything in dating, and women should do nothing and wait for the man to act like “a real man.”

They have no legitimacy to tell you what a real man is: Neo-machos are vocal about their definition of masculinity, but who are they to tell you how to behave? It’s easy to preach on a YouTube channel or in a conversation, but you’ll never see them successfully applying their advice to everyday women. No one can tell you who a real man is because you are already a man by default. You don’t need to take steroids, go to the gym, get into fights, or talk badly to women.

Fighting for women does not work in your interest: It’s foolish to defend women all the time. Women are capable of defending themselves. It’s ironic that neo-machos are often the biggest white knights. You should prioritize your interests before thinking about women. As I always say, men are more likely to be killed by a stranger on the streets than women because women are overprotected in our society.

Neo-machos are against porn and male masturbation: These individuals want to control your sexuality by getting involved in your private life. They want to take away your right to masturbate, which is dangerous. No one should dictate what you should or shouldn’t do, and no one should define your sexuality. Here’s an article by Roosh V against porn, which I believe shares the same symbolic castration performed by feminists. Anyone who is against porn and masturbation is also against freedom, which is the same as ISIS radical Islamists. It’s unacceptable when someone wants to restrict your freedom.

The video in question suggests that giving up porn and masturbation can have a positive impact on a man’s life. However, it is important to note that the video’s creator, Gavin McInnes, is a Catholic Christian, and his views may be influenced by his religious background. In fact, McInnes can be seen as a modern-day preacher, replacing traditional conservative religious leaders. Neo-machos like McInnes can be even more dangerous than feminists, as they seek to dictate how men should behave and live their lives.

This guy explains the philosophy of Jack Donovan.