This topic has always been controversial, but it is less a moral issue than we think. In my experience, Couples can define commitment in different ways, from casual dating to long-term marriage. Individuals may have varying degrees of commitment towards their romantic partners, including boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, and wives. The context is very important to know if the commitment is serious or not. For instance, I remember meeting an Australian woman in London who had a boyfriend in Australia. She was 25 years old at the time and she flirted with me. When she came to London, she planned to stay and work there for 2 years. The flight duration is 21 hours from Sydney to London. How is it possible to maintain a relationship when you live so far away from your boyfriend? That kind of distant relationship does not work. I have noticed many times that women liked to show they were committed even if their relationship was not serious.
For example, a woman may continuously criticize her boyfriend. However, if you do nothing this particular woman will not leave her boyfriend. In this scenario, if we follow this reasoning, you will act well, if you go out with this particular woman.
Let me give you another example. I remember I met a woman who was able to see her boyfriend every 15 days.
There are many situations like those where the commitment is often not as strong as advertised. Unfortunately, this issue is also true for married people.
Being committed, a good image in society
It was like women used the relationship to get a good image in society. It was like being a single was a bad thing. It is useless to blame those women for their choice. In fact, I noticed “committed” women were often the most attractive and the nicest. It makes sense. Women who are less sociable may find it more challenging to maintain a long-term relationship with a man. They will break up at some point.
Being involved in a relationship is also a kind of endorsement. The man endorsed a woman and the woman endorsed a man.
If a woman decides to cheat on her boyfriend or her husband, she is fully responsible for her decisions. You are not responsible for her choices. Her body her choice as feminists say (lol).
I remember I met a married woman who still was looking for a relationship while already married.
Relationships aren’t always serious
We need to stop putting the relationship between men and women on a pedestal. The bonds of marriage and romantic relationships are not as strong as they may seem.
As I am writing this article, too many men still put their relationship on a pedestal. They think their relationship will last forever. Don’t forget that half of marriage end in a divorce. I guess the number of short relationships is also quite high. So, be realistic about your relationships and other’s relationships too.
My advice
Let me tell you something important. If you decide not to go out with a committed woman that you deeply desire, you will have regrets for the rest of your life. It is my case, I had great opportunities of dating married and committed women by the past. I missed opportunities with some committed women.
Life does not give a second chance. Once you get old, opportunities are lost forever. As you get older, you have less and fewer opportunities. If you miss opportunities, you only keep souvenirs and frustration in mind.
Life is too short as a healthy attractive man. Think about it. When things are gone they are gone forever. You only live once.