Don’t believe those who say that foreign men abuse women

some people say that men of some countries mistreat women. For instance, they say that Muslim women are victims of Muslim men. I’ll demonstrate in this article why it can’t be true.

I have been to exotic countries like Turkey, Israel, Cisjordania, Morocco. I didn’t see that women were abused by local men. In Syria, after the fall of the Islamic State, the detention camps were only filled with women, indicating that their husbands had been killed. In the West Bank, I was on a small bus and my local contact asked me to wait and allow the women to board first.

Muslim women can’t be victims of Muslim men:

Muslim women raise the children in Islamic culture. They don’t teach their boys to be feminists and advocate for gender equality. We can’t trust what we hear from the mainstream media.

Foreign women take advantage of your ignorance:

In your country, beware of the manipulative behavior of female strangers. When a Colombian woman talks about Colombian men, you only get her opinion. It is a partial vision on Colombian men. If you never visited Colombia, you don’t know whether she tells you the truth or if she manipulates you. if you are an American citizen, she may take advantage of the fact that you don’t know Colombian men. Thus, she can take advantage of your ignorance and depict Colombian as selfish abusers of women.

The same principle can be applied to any woman from any nationality who comes to your country and speaks about the men from her country.

They will pretend that somewhere on earth, there is a group of barbarian men who rape women, mistreat women, and deprive women of liberty.

When you hear such a statement, ask yourself: “where are the proofs?”

I can’t say if African men are bad with their wives, I have never been to Senegal or Niger, I can’t say if Iranians are bad with their wives, I never went to Iran. I can’t say if Chinese are bad with their wives.