Here’s a possible rewrite:
According to Gavin McInnes, women should stay at home and take care of children, which means that men are responsible for providing for the household. This implies that the wife stays at home doing nothing while the husband works hard to support her. This is a masochistic culture, as the man has no benefits in this relationship. He is subjected to stress while his wife enjoys a comfortable life at home.
McInnes also believes that men have to defend their wives and daughters, implying that women are incapable of defending themselves. In other words, the man has to take all the hits and blames on behalf of his wife and daughter.

Macho men who patronize women are masochists.
Here’s a possible rewrite:
I realized that McInnes is a neotraditionalist, which means he believes that the wife should do the housework while the husband does the heavy chores. This perspective seems to be based on a lack of historical knowledge, as our female ancestors have always worked in the fields.
However, in today’s world, there is very little housework left to do because most chores are automated. We don’t even need to cook every day, thanks to the availability of ready-made food. Vacuum cleaners are now lightweight and bagless, robots can clean our floors and mow the lawn, and dishwashers, washing machines, and dryers do most of the work for us. Staying at home is no longer a full-time job.
Meanwhile, men are left with the exhausting and dirty jobs, such as building walls, cleaning roofs, fixing pipes, car engines, Wi-Fi, and electronics. In other words, men are responsible for themselves, their families, the household finances, and all the dirty work.
To sum up, this is not a sustainable lifestyle. As men get older, their bodies may not be able to handle so many chores. At any time, their partners may have higher expectations in terms of lifestyle, such as buying a cottage, going on holidays to remote destinations, installing a hot tub, a swimming pool, a veranda, or buying an old house.
Gavin McInnes is not a rebel or a dissident. In fact, his ideas can turn men into real slaves to women. The best partner is one who works and significantly contributes to the household finances.