The myth of the bad boy’s attraction

The Bad Boy Definition

Firstly, the definition of bad boys is often provided by female manipulations, which is not a good start. Women decide to label a man as a bad boy, but are they really bad boys? These female manipulators can make up a story about a man and call him a bad boy even if he has not done anything wrong.

For instance, when a woman talks badly about her past boyfriend or husband, I don’t believe what she says blindly because she may want me to hate her ex-partner.

Most of the time, when a woman talks about a bad boy, you don’t know him personally. Moreover, when a woman describes the behavior of a bad boy, you were not there to witness it. Therefore, if you form an opinion based on this situation, it’s because you have chosen to believe the woman’s statements by default. However, you can’t make a judgment about a situation if you only have one source of information.


Women are overprotected in our societies. They rarely get into physical fights, and men are the first victims of murders. There are fewer homeless women than homeless men.

Reality vs Fiction

In fiction, like in YouTube videos or movies, a bad boy from the ghetto can pick up a woman. However, in reality, this would not happen because people usually meet and date people they know and stay within their social circles. In the USA, it’s unlikely to happen because social groups don’t mix with each other. Several sociology studies prove that women marry men from their social groups.

For example, a woman from Manhattan is unlikely to marry a drug dealer from Queens in New York City.

So, the next time you hear a female YouTuber say that women are attracted to bad boys, remember that women don’t usually work hard to date men outside of their social circles.