Men used as money providers of women

Back in February 2018, I wrote an article about the Russian gold digger ideology. Later that year, I observed that women in the Western world were also adopting this ideology. For example, the female YouTuber Georgia Free legitimized hypergamy as a natural behavior for women to provide for their offspring, implying that men’s role on earth is solely to provide financial resources to women.

In the 1990s, I vividly remember that women in the USA and Europe wanted to be financially independent. Now, it seems that some women have realized that it’s easier to take advantage of a man’s money rather than working for their own. I’m surprised to see that some young women are aware of this very early in their lives. I vividly remember that when I was a teenager in the 90s, I had no expenses related to women. In fact, none of my male friends faced this issue. Women didn’t expect us to buy them gifts or go on far-off vacations. We didn’t have this pressure, and that’s why many men decided to get married at that time.

Today, some female predators expect men to pay for their dreams. They want men to pay for their cars, vacations, and lifestyles. This behavior has become normalized and is now accepted in society. For example, if a woman is nice, polite, and good-looking, people will accept that she takes advantage of her boyfriend or husband’s financial resources.

For example, a woman asked her boyfriend to earn €5000 ($5700) per month to be his housewife. Since the boyfriend could not earn this amount, she left him. This woman was French, not a Latin American or Russian gold digger. She was 42 years old at the time and not the sophisticated gold digger we see in people’s magazines. However, as I always say, these women are the most dangerous ones.

Crazy Expenses Aren’t Challenged Anymore

For example, when I hear that a man has bought a woman a car, it’s considered normal. When I hear that a woman asked her boyfriend to buy a house by the ocean, requiring a 30-year mortgage, it’s also considered normal. The parents of the lady or the man will not challenge these expenses. Maybe some friends will point out that it’s a lot of commitment or money, but most people will not challenge these expenses.

When I shared my point of view about some consequences of women’s desire for heavy household expenses, I received interesting feedback from other women. Some women told me, “It’s none of our business.” When a woman wants to travel four times a year, women told me, “She wants to live.” Upon reflection, this is pure rationalization. It means that today, we should let men go into debt, and it’s “normal” in this society. Then, if the man faces a health issue or loses his job, it’s considered bad luck. No one will say that women’s expectations are unreasonable nowadays.