My mother is now in her sixties and I saw how she became a hypergamous gold digger since the late nineties. People got it wrong when they think that only young women are looking for money. Cupidity is ageless.
During the nineties, when I was a teenager, my mother showed no interest in luxury cars, jewelry, or exotic vacation spots. Now, in her sixties, she frequently remarks on luxury vehicles such as Mercedes, BMW, and Porsche. Although Porsche cars have not significantly changed for some time, she has recently taken an interest in them. She has also developed a liking for Range Rover vehicles. I distinctly recall that in the late nineties, I never once heard her mention Mercedes, Porsche or Range Rover, even though these brands were well-established back then.

She also started to talk about expensive vacations in remote islands. Before she was happy about the nearby regions that we could reach by car. Now, she wants to fly to remote destinations which imply expenses related to flight tickets.
In the nineties, my mother didn’t wear any jewelry except for her wedding ring. Now, she asked my father to buy a ring made of diamond and gold which cost 8000 euros. On top of that, she wishes to get a hot tub even if there is no free space in the garden. One day, my mother asked my father to buy expensive Italian designer furniture. I was really surprised when I discovered it because my mother was never interested in such furniture.
This increase in expectations came along with hypergamy. I saw the growing interest of my mother for rich men. However, when I was a teen, I vividly remember that my mother never talked about rich men. For example, I went to a private school where some dads were really rich. My mother never talked about the rich dads of my school friends. Even when one of our family friends became a millionaire through a successful business venture, thanks to a patent, she never discussed him during the nineties. Nowadays, she frequently discusses the wealthiest men in her circle and their opulent lifestyles, including their cars, vacations, and possessions.
My mother is now a cupid. She pressured my father to make more money.
Now I’d like to tell you how this change of behavior affected me too. Now, every time I talk about my earnings, my mother mentions that she would like to benefit from my earnings. She asked me to pay her alimony every month.
Gentlemen, let me share with you what she said to me: She expects me to provide financial support for her retirement. Essentially, she’s asking for an extra pension from me.
Fortunately for me, my parents have a retirement plan, investments, no loans and they are landlords. My mother and my father are still married. My father is a business owner. Consequently, my mother benefits from my father’s assets. In this context, it is crazy that she still wants to benefit from my money.
In order to protect my money, I don’t mention all my sources of income to my mother. I also say that I earn much less than in reality.
The red pill lesson is Protect your financial assets from family members too.