Many men find Faith Goldy attractive not only for her beauty but also for her conservative views. However, there’s more to the story than meets the eye. Faith Goldy is a traditionalist and a devout Catholic, which plays a significant role in her life. As someone born and raised in France in a Catholic family, I have attended many Catholic weddings and observed the same male/female relationship issues in France (a Catholic country) as in the USA (a Protestant country). Women who married their husbands at the church were not immune to male bashing and heavy spending. Even those so-called virtuous ladies pressured their husbands to live beyond their means, leading to divorces.

Despite following the values of a Catholic marriage, many men still found themselves being manipulated, bashed, humiliated, and mistreated by their wives.
Traditionalism is a big trap to men
The French couples who are getting divorced nowadays in 2019 were traditionalists who got married at the church 20 or 30 years ago. The men fulfilled their duties by working hard to provide for their families and treating their wives well. However, religious weddings are not stronger than any other unions, as shown by the fact that in France, 45% of marriages ended in divorce in 2017.
When Faith Goldy talks about “traditional men” and “traditional women,” she is referring to a scheme that has already failed. Men who married at the Catholic church and got divorced did everything to follow the values of the Catholic church. They worked hard for their wives, opened joint bank accounts, bought jewelry, and took out mortgage loans. However, their wives were still not happy.
In today’s Catholic culture, it is expected that the man should be the main source of income while the woman stays at home to raise the children and do nothing else. In other words, the man does all the hard work while the wife stays home in a comfortable environment. However, the Bible says that women should also work. The preacher men who pressure men to work for their families are not truly Christian because they do not follow what the Bible says. According to the Bible, a woman “considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard,” and “she makes linen garments and sells them; she delivers sashes to the merchant.” This description of a woman is not that of a lazy housewife with no income.
A neo-traditional relationship largely benefits women; not men
Imagine being in a relationship with Faith Goldy, where she stays at home making YouTube videos and earning little money, while her hardworking conservative husband works tirelessly to provide for the household. This scenario is reminiscent of the views of neo-traditionalist Swedish journalist Lana Lokteff from Red Ice TV, who envisions a future with many housewives staying at home while men work hard to support them.
However, relying on one income in a household is not a sustainable solution. Women have always worked in the past, whether it be on a farm or in other roles. The idea of women staying at home is a modern concept that takes advantage of the economy in rich countries where some men earn enough money to support a non-working spouse.
Some women today try to re-create history by referring to a time when women stayed at home. However, in the 17th century, without electricity and tap water, staying at home was a completely different experience. These women use this historical reference to justify their desire to stay at home and do nothing, since all household chores are automated today.
The so-called Catholic values and neotrad values do not help men avoid relationship troubles. Interestingly, this issue is not unique to Catholicism, but can also be found in Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, and Hindu communities.
In a traditional relationship, the man bears all the pressure on his shoulders. It’s worth noting that the Bible does not state that a man should financially support his wife for 40 years.