Opinion about the carousel concept – red pill –

The “carousel” is the notion that a woman may have numerous sexual encounters due to sexual freedom. However, this is simply a manifestation of some men’s sexual frustration. It is unrealistic to expect to live in a world where men are sexually free, but women are not. Male sexual freedom goes hand in hand with female sexual freedom.

Women should have as much sex as men.

Moreover, when men question women’s sexuality, it suggests that they are sensitive to women’s actions and put them on a pedestal.

Some men are genuinely concerned that women could have many sexual partners. This is a common topic on MGTOW forums and groups.

However, many men are unaware that some women lie about the number of sexual encounters they’ve had in the past.

This is a form of sexual manipulation that I describe in my book “How Women Manipulate Men.” Some men believe that women, especially beautiful ones, have plenty of sex. In online forums, they discuss the “carousel,” perpetuating the idea that women have numerous sexual opportunities. I believe that these men are falling for women’s lies and manipulation tactics.

A woman can take advantage of the carousel myth and make a man believe that she has had sex with many great partners. This will lower the man’s ego, making him easier to control.

For example, a woman may tell a man that she has had sex with men who had large genitalia and could have sex multiple times in one night. Upon hearing this, the man may feel inadequate and become submissive. I call this manipulation technique “the ghost man technique.” This occurs when a woman invents an ideal man who does not exist to better control another man.

These men do not consider that women may lie to lower men’s egos. Therefore, it is best not to listen to carousel stories, as it is impossible to know whether they are true or not.


Carousel stories imply that women have a lot of sex, while men do not. In response, some men claim that 20% of men have sex with 80% of women. This is an outrageous statement with no evidence to support it. These men are disconnected from reality. Instead of believing what people say on Facebook, observe the couples and people around you to get a more accurate picture.

For example, spend a whole night at a local nightclub and observe the men and women who come in. How many people will leave together for a one-night stand? None or very few.