Here’s an example that illustrates how traditional relationships tend to only benefit women in today’s society:
I know a man who got married to his wife in a church ceremony, and it was expected that he would be the primary breadwinner. They have been married for 40 years, and during all that time, he has carried the financial burden because his wife earned significantly less money than him.

I observed a situation where this husband discovered that his business would earn less money in the upcoming years. He explained the situation to his wife, but she had an unexpected reaction. She wasn’t interested in listening to his problems and even looked upset about the conversation. The husband wanted her to understand that they might need to lower their lifestyle, but she suggested selling the house instead. This suggestion seemed hurtful to the husband, as he had spent 20 years making over the house on his own.
Since the wife worked in the husband’s company, he expected her to come up with money-making ideas. However, she made it clear that he was responsible for their finances. The husband was raised in a traditional culture and believed that it was normal for him to shoulder the financial burden. Unfortunately, this traditional mindset can become a burden as men age.
When a man is young, he may be able to support his wife’s financial needs. However, as he gets older and faces health problems, it can become more difficult. This is especially true when they retire and have to rely on the man’s pension. In the past, men used to die before their wives, but now they live longer. Therefore, it’s important for women to work and contribute financially to the relationship.