Sharing your life with a woman who does not earn enough money

Situations of Financial Dependence

Based on the provided information, there appear to be some common situations where women in couples may not be financially independent:

Unprofitable Businesses

  • Women sometimes get involved in businesses that do not generate enough income to support the household, such as:
    • Giving yoga lessons
    • Creating YouTube videos
    • Starting a handmade jewelry shop
    • Selling herbal teas
    • Selling handmade soap bars at a market
    • Making shoes from plastic bags
    • Creating handbags from old textiles
    • Baking and selling cupcakes

Lack of Profitability

  • These types of businesses and income sources may not be profitable enough to provide financial independence and support the entire household.

In these situations, the women may not be able to be fully financially independent and may rely on their partner’s income to meet the household’s financial needs. The reasons for this financial dependence can vary, but may be related to the profitability and sustainability of the women’s chosen business ventures or income-generating activities.

The Reality of Trendy Home Businesses

Upon further reflection, the provided information raises some important points about the financial realities of certain types of home-based businesses:

Low Profitability of Trendy Niches

  • The revenue generated by many trendy home-based businesses on platforms like etsy, amazon, ebay, youtube, tiktok, is often quite low.
  • These types of businesses bring in even less income than a traditional job.

Mainstream Media Influence

  • The mainstream media may contribute to misconceptions about the profitability of these types of home businesses.
  • There is a perception that these “trendy niches” can be highly profitable, which may not reflect the actual financial realities.
  • This messaging can influence both husbands/partners and the women themselves.

Acceptable Narratives

  • Women in these situations may feel the need to present a certain narrative to their partners to make the financial dependence more acceptable.
  • This could involve downplaying the low profitability of their home-based ventures.

Significant Income Disparities

  • When a woman’s income is significantly lower than her partner’s (e.g. 3 times less), it can be akin to having no income at all.
  • This level of income disparity can lead to a situation of financial dependence, even if the woman is engaged in some form of home-based business or entrepreneurial activity.

In summary, the information suggests that the profitability of many trendy home-based businesses may be overstated, leading to a disconnect between perception and reality. This can contribute to situations of financial dependence, even when women are actively engaged in entrepreneurial pursuits.

We observed a scheme in this sort of relationship.

We want to warn husbands and boyfriends who find themselves in this situation where their woman does not have a real traditional job.