Should a man react to shaming from women?

There are many instances where men are shamed by women, starting from high school, and men tend to accept it. They are often told they are not handsome enough, too selfish, or not doing the right thing. While the initial reaction might be to react to shaming, it’s not useful to do so.

Instead, it’s important to become bulletproof and not let shaming affect you. This is more important than reacting to shaming. Once you’ve developed this mindset, it’s crucial to think about what to do next.

If the shaming comes from a friend, it’s time to consider ending the friendship. You should think about how to retrieve any belongings you may have left at her place and find the best way to stay away from her. Female predators often test your limits, so shaming is not acceptable and should be remembered.

If your girlfriend shames you, it’s time to think about how to leave her without causing trouble. If you live together, it might be difficult to kick her out, so careful planning is necessary.

If your wife shames you, it’s time to consider divorce. Divorce requires a lot of planning, and the longer you wait, the more painful it will be.

If your female boss shames you, it’s time to find another position or job.

I am not aware of any situations where a man was shamed by a woman, and the situation improved after talking to the female predator. Negotiations are not possible with a female predator.