Killing stereotypes about what a man should do to meet someone

Some people consider themselves as seduction masters. The seduction of women suffers from a high number of stereotypes. A young man will systematically be misled because he is in contact with this propaganda through media and people. Before going to the bottom of it, this article’s goal is to prevent you from listening to what people say about relationship and seduction.

Let’s list some stereotypes:

Don’t do anything, things will supervene on their own. 

You may have heard people (men or women) telling you that you had nothing special to meet someone. It should be an advice for women; not for men. It is not realistic. In the western world, an attractive woman stays single for 2 months while a handsome man stays single for 2 years. No women will knock on your door if you do nothing.

You need a lot of money to get beautiful women

Yes, you need money to go out but you don’t need to get dressed in a 3 pieces suit with very expensive shoes and a Lambo. You don’t need to go out to the most expensive places. It is useless. You just need to spend the money when it is required. Think first about the benefit for each penny you spend. Don’t spend money if you don’t have any benefits to do so. Think about the return on investment (ROI). Beware of what you see online. Everything you see online is part of the virtual world. Rely more on what you see through your eyes.

Everybody has their chance

It is a lie. Imagine you talk to a woman and introduce yourself as a butcher. You aren’t likely be successful with women if you say that you are a butcher. It is the same for men who are jobless. This issue is due to the distorted reality that has been created by the media. Media always valued arts to the detriment of down-to-earth jobs. I am not saying that you should lie about yourself. I’d like to pinpoint the fact that you should be cautious when you introduce yourself.

It is all about men self-confidence

Once, I was in the city centre of Madrid, I talked to many strangers and picked up a woman on the street. I brought her to a bar. She was tall and looked like a super-model. I hung out with her. I discovered she was a lesbian and finished the night in a gay/lesbian bar. She was 19 years old in the midst of self-discovery. So, I have been confident picking up this woman to discover she was a lesbian and ended up in a lesbian bar where a bisexual man asked me to have sex with him. Confidence does not solve any problems. Sometimes it is useless to be confident. It is more clever to know to wisely choose your target and have a dating plan in advance. I’d like to emphasize this idea. There’s no point in running if you can’t arrive on time.