FALSE sexual abuse and false rape accusations against men

Between 1978 and 1987, sociologist Eugene Kanin studied rape reports in a small midwestern town in the United States. During this period, there were 109 reported sexual assaults in this particular location. Kanin found that among these 109 assaults, 41% were false reports.

Link to the study from E. Kanin

At that time, there were no DNA tests of the alleged victim’s body. So, without eyewitnesses, how could you confirm that the 59% of left cases were true?

False rape culture in France

According to a French policeman interviewed by a journalist in Normandy, 7 to 8 out of every 10 rape accusations are false. This means that 70% of rape accusations are potentially false, which is a serious matter considering that the penalty for rape can result in up to a 20-year prison sentence. The policeman reported that investigating false rape accusations is costly and time-consuming, requiring the work of several police officers and justice system workers. This is a waste of taxpayers’ money.

In the same article, Prosecutor Jean-Claude Belot explained the background of the issue. He stated that women who go out to nightclubs alone may be more likely to cheat on their boyfriends or husbands. If they are caught, they may make up a story claiming they were raped.

Link to the story (in french) Open in Google chrome to get an automated translation.

False rape culture in the UK

In the UK, many women falsely accused men of rape. The False rape accusation trend is a serious issue but unfortunately, the majority of British politicians don’t care about it. We listed some false rape or sexual abuse accusations against men that were later dismissed.