Those women who get divorced on an impulse

In recent years, we’ve seen a rise in divorces that don’t seem to have a serious reason behind them. Back in the day, in the nineties, I knew women who divorced their husbands because they were alcoholics or drug addicts.

But now, I hear about women leaving their husbands because they find them boring. And even if they have kids, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I’ve also met women who didn’t have a clear reason for leaving their husbands. For instance, one woman told me that they used to argue a lot, and that things just weren’t working out between them. It’s all very vague.

So, here’s my take on it. I think these women were raised like queens and have become narcissistic. They can’t handle any disruptions to their lifestyle, just like spoiled children. They want the best of everything – vacations, houses, cars, furniture, clothes, and an obedient husband. They want a man who will give them attention 24/7 and be at their beck and call. He should never say no and always behave exactly as they want him to.

In today’s world, divorces often occur when a husband refuses to abide by his queen’s rules.