At a certain point in a woman’s life, her beauty begins to decline rapidly, a phenomenon known as “hitting the wall.” This is when a woman’s body and face are no longer as attractive as they once were. Research suggests that women typically hit the wall between the ages of 32 and 36, as their skin complexion begins to deteriorate due to having fewer collagen reserves than men. Additionally, women’s breasts start to sag as early as 18 years old, and the cells in their breasts age faster than the rest of their body. The bones inside a woman’s skull also move faster than those in a man’s, causing her face to age more quickly.
Many women are in denial about this natural transition and refuse to acknowledge it. However, it is not a subjective opinion, as it is a biological fact that women’s sexual attractiveness declines with age, often many years before menopause. For example, a woman may lose her sexual attractiveness at 30 years old but remain fertile until 45 years old.
In reality, a woman is only sexually attractive for a short period of her life. If we consider a woman to be sexually attractive at 20 years old and begin to lose her attractiveness at 33, this leaves only a 13-year window. However, women do not die at 33, and the average life expectancy for women in the USA is 81 years old. Therefore, a woman is only sexually attractive for approximately 16% of her life.
Despite significant advancements in nutrition and medicine over the past 15 years, nothing has changed the fact that women tend to lose their sexual attractiveness more quickly than men on average.
I’d like to pinpoint that it is just a fact. Men and women must acknowledge that women lose their sexual attractiveness when they get old. It is part of the natural cycle of life.