Danger of pickup artists who say “use alcohol to have sex with a woman”

There are numerous stories of men who’ve been convicted for rape and sexual assault after following the instructions of pickup artists.

It seems obvious but in the western world, having sex with a woman who is drunk can be a danger because she can prosecute you for rape even if she gave consent for sexual activities.

The Alex Smith case

Alex Smith was a pickup artist who received an 8-year prison term for having sex with a drunk woman who passed out.


Don’t listen to these men who tell you that alcohol will increase your success rate with woman. An intoxicated woman can expose you to big legal risks. I know it is one problem among others.

An intoxicated woman can:

  • be unpredictable
  • cause trouble by yelling at people in the street or making a lot of noise.
  • make a lot of noise can be upsetting or disturbing to others
  • pick a fight with other people
  • attract the attention of the police which will question your intentions.

Alcohol can only get you in trouble.